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Valid for Sitecore 5.2, 5.1.1
  Adding Publishing Support
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If the external data source contains items which should be published, the data provider must implement the methods needed to maintain the publishing queue.  The publishing queue is simply a list of items that are scheduled for publication on a specific date.  The layers above the physical layer maintain the dates associated with the publishing queue, so the data provider only needs to store the actual data and implement the methods listed below.

NOTE: Data providers that support publishing should also support properties.

Return Value

Method Name





ItemDefinition item
string action
DateTime date
CallContext context

Called when the given item should be published.  Adds the item to the publishing queue and stores the action and date along with the item.  Returns True if the publishing queue was updated, False otherwise.



DateTime to
CallContext context

Called periodically to ensure that the publishing queue does not grow too large.  Removes all items from the queue with dates up to and including to.  Returns True if the publishing queue was updated, False otherwise.

ID[ ]


DateTime from
DateTime to
CallContext context

Returns an array of items set to be published within the given range (inclusive).

Note that publishing copies the scheduled items from the external data source into the appropriate publishing target database (usually the web database).  The published site then displays these items via the web database.  It is also possible to configure a separate site which displays items in an external data source directly, referred to as running the external data source in “live mode”.  In this case, the methods described above do not need to be implemented.

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